HSF0668-Transformers War for Cybertron Kingdom Core Dracodon



Transformers War for Cybertron Kingdom Core Dracodon

Robots and disguises go green – very green – with the Transformers War for Cybertron Kingdom Core Dracodon! This Dracorex fossil turns into a mighty green robot and back again, standing ready to bolster your ranks in the Cybertronian wars. Ages 8 and up
UPC: 5010993774425
Package Weight (pounds): 0.1
Package Length (inches): 4
Package Width (inches): 1
Package Height (inches): 8
Package Cubic Feet: 0.02
Package Dimensional Weight: 0.23
Carton Weight (pounds): 1.4
Carton Length (inches): 9
Carton Width (inches): 6.5
Carton Height (inches): 5.5
Carton Cubic Feet: 0.19
Carton Dimensional Weight: 2.33
Country of Origin: Vietnam
Age: 8+
Gender: Male