HSF7671-Transformers Tenseg Base Display Stand with Optimus Prime Set



Transformers Tenseg Base Display Stand Optimus Prime Set

Stand up for Cybertron with the Transformers Tenseg Base Display Stand with Optimus Prime Set! The tensegrity base is a display base that looks like it is floating in the air using a tensegrity mechanism. This stand includes an exclusive War for Cybertron Optimus Prime that can be displayed right out of the box! By balancing the base, which consists of two upper and lower parts with tension material, you can enjoy the display as if it were floating in the air. The Tensegrity base is a handy kit that assembles a screwdriver, clippers, cutters, etc. (Tools not included, sold separately.) By assembling, you can experience the mysterious Tensegrity mechanism that makes it feel as if your figures are floating in the air!

In addition, since the Tenseg base comes with various conversion joints and arms, you can stand Optimus Prime on one foot, reproduce flying scenes, and recreate battles from classic cartoons and comics. The color of this Tenseg base is silver, which is the image of the Cybertron star appearing in Transformers.

This set includes Optimus Prime, Blaster, Silver base parts, Clear base parts, Rubber Rings x10, Seated screws x5, screws x6, nuts x6, nylon string, and an instruction manual. (Subject to change.)

UPC: 195166197432
Package Weight (pounds): 1.45
Package Length (inches): 10
Package Width (inches): 8
Package Height (inches): 4
Package Cubic Feet: 0.19
Package Dimensional Weight: 2.3
Carton Weight (pounds): 10
Carton Length (inches): 17
Carton Width (inches): 12
Carton Height (inches): 11
Carton Cubic Feet: 1.3
Carton Dimensional Weight: 16.14
Country of Origin: Vietnam
Age: 15+
Gender: Male


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